Canal Park: Update

On November 17, Canal Park opened to the public. It is a wonderful urban space with the current draw being the ice skating rink visible from M Street. Even on a mid afternoon there are a number of skaters using the park.
Facing north. Photo by the Olin Studio.
The upper two thirds of the park were mostly empty when I visited, probably due to remaining construction and cold weather. In addition, the restaurant on the grounds, Park Tavern, is not scheduled to open for at least a few more weeks. Most importantly, there is a significant amount of housing planned and under construction for areas adjacent to the site. While a number of offices to the south and west are built and occupied, the east side of the park is still bordered by parking lots.
Facing south (restaurant is to the left). Photo by the Olin Studio.
But as it stands now, the welcome space is beautifully done. Come see for yourself. Maybe even rent some skates and take a spin.

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