Tech Startup co-Working Space NW DC

A friend of mine, Chris MacDonald, co-founder of GeekEasy asked me to stop by this week to look at a new space they are getting ready and give advice on colors/layout etc. Of course I did! The space is painted in my high school colors, purple and gold (Go Saints!), and has the bones of a really cool workspace. More details to come from our collaborations. but here is a taste of the current space.
Talking with Chris over the past couple of weeks about the startups and co-working space has gotten me thinking more about the idea of these kinds of spaces for design-centric types. What kinds of shared spaces would work and what amenities would start-up design firms need? How is content and collaboration in a client/project driven environment different from a tech/internet environment?
I'm interested in seeing if there is the possibility for a specific type ofco-working space tailored to start-up architects and ID's that could pool resources, share production space, bandwidth, render-farming, model building, 3d printing, display and curation, community involvement, and ultimately do pro-bono work as part of the membership of the space. With the amount of empty retail space out there, there certainly must be ample opportunities to create spaces like this.
This interesting book was written recently about the design of startup co-working spaces.
More soon!

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